Many things have been said FOR and AGAINST #Tithing but reading through Mr. Lolu Akinwumi’s piece aptly capture my view on the issue.
I am a Christian and this is one issue I’ve had to think, rethink and renew my mind about. Till date, I haven’t been a ‘consistent’ tither especially when I feel the ‘organization’ is headed in the wrong direction. Most times, I’d rather donate my tithes to NGOs or people in dire need. The most important thing is that one is touching another life.
And pastors need to stop harassing folks about the fear of ‘hell fire’. Some of us no longer do anything out of fear. I will do or not do a thing simply based on PRINCIPLES, not because I’m afraid of some unforeseen Armageddonic consequences. Yeah, I know that might sound blasphemous but that is my opinion.
God’s blessings are not tied to tithing alone. QED!
If we like, let’s tithe till Jesus will come but if we don’t apply principles of wealth creation, we’d only remain nobodies. I know atheists who don’t know jack about tithing yet they’re stupendously rich. The fact however is that tithing, when properly and judiciously used can make a difference in our society. But when it’s used for Lamborghinis and Private Jets then the purpose is defeated.
The truth is that ‘any smart man will pay tithe’!
I am not saying all pastors who have jets used their church’s money. Many of them were acquired as gifts. That is the fact! But we all saw what Pope Francis did with an exotic car gifted to him last week? He sold it and gave the proceeds to hungry and persecuted folks!
That to me, is what #TrueChristianity is about.
One of the reasons I continue to tithe is simply because the Church has REAL NEEDS that needed to be taken care of (e.g Administrative bills, Electricity, Supplies, Benevolence to needy members, community development projects).
God forbid that I’m part of a church yet my Pastor would still need to trouble God about basic needs of the church. That is because I see myself as a #KingdomFinancier, not because I’m afraid of any of those BS about the coming ‘judgement’ upon unfaithful tithers.
Life would be much fun if and when we live it based on timeless #principles.
Thanks Uncle Lolu. I hope the Pentecostal FellowshipofNigeria and Christian Association of Nigeria will borrow a leaf from this piece and stop being defensive, for once.
May God bless His church and rid us of sheep in human clothings.