"Indiscipline pervades our life so completely today that one may be justified in calling it the condition par excellence of contemporary Nigerian... Nigeria is one of the most disorderlynations in the world. It is one of the most corrupt, insensitive, inefficient places under the sun. . . Leaders are, in the language of psychologists, role models. People look up to them and copy their actions, behaviour and even mannerisms. Therefore if a leader lacksdiscipline the effect is apt to spread automatically down to his followers."- Chinua Achebe (The Trouble With Nigeria)
Good morning my Fellow Patriots,
It is no longer news that our society has no VALUES, not anymore. Our tool of respect is faulty. We are gradually drifting towards a nation where 'anything goes'. The is an invitation to chaos and anarchy. Things are falling apart and the centre seems to be drfiting into oblivion.
We need to begin afresh, all over again. We cannot afford to continue along this path laced with Corruption, Aparthy to Governance, Direspect for the value of the average Nigerian, ethnic and religious pettiness and all other forms of social ills in our land.
The way forward is simple.
Aside from the calls for a National Confab by the political class, I will suggest we rather call for a 'National Values Conference' where we would sit down, as a people, and agree on 'core VALUES' we wish to see in Nigeria. Then, we would make it CRIMINAL for anyone to break those values.
We need to give a new meaning to the words of our National Anthem. Nigeria is a nation built on the grandest of ideals but this generation needs to be reminded and recommit. We must never abandon the common ties that bind us together as a nation. Nigeria is not just a collection of Islamic states and Christian states: Islamic states in the North and Christian states in the South. We must reject, in all its totality, the pettiness and divisive elements that have told us for a long time that we can't live together as a people. Let's demonstrate to the world the beauty in our uniqueness and be a force for example in unity among nations.
This is what I have observed as our fundamental problem, as a nation. We must come to together, as one people under one God, and define what values should be seen among us and begin to implement them religiously.
One of the recommendations of the NVC would be the immediate abolition of the 'State of Origin' as an item on official records, among many other things. Nigerians have a right to be known, identified and regarded as citizens in anywhere they choose to dwell within the country, once they have resided there for a specific period of time. We will also craft a National Vision Statement for Nigeria and redefine The Nigerian Dream.
Let us be the generation that would elect a credible Northerner as Governor in Lagos and elect a trustworthy Southerner to the highest office in the Kano. Let us be the generation that would re-define Leadership in Nigeria and deal corruption a deadly blow. Let us be the generation that wouldrebrand Nigeria's image abroad, not by bogus words but by our ACTIONS and the FORCE of our EXAMPLE.
"Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting a particular way ... you become just by performing just actions, temperate by performing temperate actions, brave by performing brave actions." —Aristotle
Until we get our values right, things would keep falling apart. If we don't mind our values, the world would not mind us! We must not rest till integrity becomes our new national identity.
This is therefore a call to ACTION! We owe our nation this duty, as patriots.
May the LABORS of our HEROES past not be in vain!
Nigeria's Coat of Arm: Unity and Faith, Peace and Progress
We are the CHANGE that we SEEK; we are the ones we've been WAITING for!
So help us God!
God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria!
Wale Salami
FOR: Nigerian Renaissance Movement
M: salami.adewale@gmail.com
T: @walesalami
B: 271984FC
(c) Morning Dew | Saturday 16th June, 2012
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