I promise this will be my last post on this issue.
Ever since the issue of Daddy Freeze campaigning against #Tithing in Nigerian churches has been trending, many pastors and Christians have responded to him sadly by being defensive. Instead of challenging him to an open debate and putting this issue to eternal rest, the Christian community has failed WOEFULLY in dealing with a raging fire that could end up consuming its household.
Naturally, any wise man ought to #tithe because GIVING is one of the attributes of SUCCESSFUL life. Giving an habit practiced by both the rich and the poor. Our lives are too small to be the essence of our existence. We are meant to be a channel of blessing.
As Christians, we understand that we are STEWARDS on earth and whatever we OWN isn’t really ours, not even our offsprings. We are who we are by the GRACE of God!
Tithing represent 10% of a man’s increase or salary. It is a way to GIVE BACK to a local church or faith based institution for the work they do in nourishing our SPIRIT, SOUL and BODY. However, it becomes a crime when tithes are being converted for personal use. That is another issue for another day.
The truth is that most of the pastors being attacked do not convert tithes for personal use. Most of them who have or use exotic cars and jets got them as gifts.I was raised in a deeply ‘religious’ family; my brother and his wife are full-time pastors so I know how GENEROUS church folks can be, especially in Africa, towards Men of God. So not all pastors steal money from their churches for personal aggrandizement.
Having said that, I pay tithes, when I do, so as to support my local church to meet its needs and also bless other church members in need.
Every church has needs, be it a small church or a megachurch. Power, heat, internet connections, water bills, general administration, outreaches and programmes; to mention but few.
I attend a local church in Texas where my Pastor and his wife are core professionals with full-time jobs. They are even richer than most church members so I am sure they do not need ‘my money’ for sustain themselves. Come to think of it, is there really anything like ‘my money’ in a Christian’s dictionary? The answer is NO; we were blessed to a blessing!
Churches in Africa are sometimes even more RESPONSIBLE than most governments; because they’re closer to the people than the government can ever be. So it is not all a sob story.
What the church needs to do is to be PROACTIVE, not DEFENSIVE. Lets invite Daddy Fresh for a nationally televised intellectual discuss whereby we can present him with the truths on tithing. Knowledge is progressive therefore no one is an island.
That, is how enlightened societies in the 21st century ought to react to issues like this one, not by dismissing him, ignoring him or labeling him as a trouble maker and rabble-rouser. We can not afford to sleep on our rights to educate the church of God and seize this opportunity to reach lost souls. This, is a golden opportunity for the church to SHINE!
I once heard of a South African church that furnishes members with Statements of Account and an audited REPORT yearly. Whenever a member of that church loses his/her job, the church usually pay him/her stipends till he is gainfully employed again.
I would naturally not mind giving that ‘kind’ of church 30% of my income because it’s doing better than most african government in the management of resources.
The gospel truth is that, if not for some churches, many Nigerians, nay Africans, would have lost IT. Churches in Africa do more for the mental health and sobriety of the society than any health institutions. I stand to be corrected.
The bottom line here is that churches have done more GOOD than HARM for us. But that doesn’t mean they cannot be held ACCOUNTABLE.
Accountability is key therefore churches need not shy away from the fact when they come under the scrutiny of the society.
May God open the eyes of our hearts and quicken our understanding.
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